Tuesday, June 23, 2015



Angels - Fact of Fable? While many today see them as mystical characters belonging only in fables, the Bible makes it absolutely clear that they do exist.
King David, stated that Man was created a little lower than the angels (Psalms 8:5). Jesus said "At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." (Matt. 22:30). If this is true, then what are angels like? What powers do they have? And what are their duties?
The existence of Angels was a point of hot contention between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, as the latter did not believe in angels or spirits, or the resurrection of the dead. (Spirits is a term sometimes used to describe evil angels)
Cherubim, seraphs, archangels and princes all play a part in the redemption of man. From watching over Israel, to giving the scriptures through righteous men. From rolling back the 13' 2" diameter stone from Christ's grave to accompanying Christ at his Second Advent. The stories of the Bible just would not be complete without these wonderful, fascinating beings.

The Bible talks extensively about angels and other heavenly beings. In fact this compilation is one of the longest in the series. So much so that the extent of the Bible search was primarily limited to the "good" angels. For a more complete picture of the unfortunate evil side, see the compilation entitled, "Satan and Evil Angels ."

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